What is intuition?

Intuition means learning from within. It is your inner tutor that occurs in a state beyond thinking and is a form of direct perception. This post describes the meaning, purpose, and function of intuition.

The Ecology of Intuition

The Ecology of Intuition – how improving the value of intuition can change the world for the better by Arupa Tesolin. Edited copy of original paper published in ReVision, Journal of Consciousness and Transformation on Intuition for a World in Crisis

Intuitive Dialogue Project

Intuitive Dialogue Project – Beyond Dialogue to Communion Copyright 1995 by Desmond Berghofer, Creative Learning International. Reprinted with permission. With increasing humility I am learning to trust in life as …

The Yoga of Success

The Yoga of Success There are many yoga’s to master on the road to success. Yoga means “to yoke” or to join together, to unite with consciousness. Consciousness is what you …