The Yoga of Success

The Yoga of Success

There are many yoga’s to master on the road to success.

Yoga means “to yoke” or to join together, to unite with consciousness. Consciousness is what you are. It is together all of you and more than you. When you are one with consciousness and you have a desire for a particular success, you set in motion a chain of experiences and events that create the embodiment of that success, so that you can realize it.

First you must idealize it, before you can realize it. What that means is that you create a vision that ideates what that unique experience is and what it means for you; what it looks like and feels like.

What constitutes success for you is unique and individual. It can be sourced from your true life goals, career, business, sports, relationship; or any hobby, project or past-time you are passionate about, or any combination of these.

The yoga of success is comprised of several yogas. In order for your experience to culminate in personal success, you must pass through each of these yogas:

The Yoga of Determination – When you have a vision in mind and you take the beliefs, mind-set, courage and action to achieve it.

The Yoga of Persistence – To persevere and move forward even though it seems progress is uncertain; to charter, calibrate and circumnavigate alternative paths to the destination.

The Yoga of Victory – To overcome all obstacles, to have mastery over temporary conditionality, to experience the triumph of success. To know you have mastered because you have done it.

The end is achieved when the dream and the dreamer become one.

This is the yoga of success.
